All Digital Downloads
Below you will find many various digital downloads from 3D printing files to scans, books, and finished artwork. This is a new section and it will take some time to build out but we intend to offer many items which we believe will be beneficial to the hobby or which are of historical interest. We will be working to keep these downloads as inexpensive as possible. Some of the files which we have more time invested into will cost a little more.
Finding these items, creating the artwork for them or scanning them, uploading and maintaining this library takes time and costs money. We ask that you please keep the files that you download to yourself for your personal use and do not share them. We will try to keep the costs from very inexpensive to reasonable.
*3D printing files will mostly be provided in .stl format. The files are tuned for our machines so they may print ever so slightly differently on your machine. This is most likely to be noticed in threaded parts.