$14.00 USD
Price is for 1 round.
These are some pre-production rounds which I was experimenting with along with some factory seconds that didn't quite turn out good enough to paint and mark for display. Some rounds turned out to be about 5mm taller than they should have been so they do not fit in a steel case properly but should still fit in a wood box, some are our normal production rounds that have some sort of defect and some are printed in white and some in silver PLA (no choice). The fuses are all printed in black TPU which makes the fuse a little bit rubbery; you can crush the fuse in your fingers and it will come back to shape.
My goal for these rounds is to make them good looking but also as inexpensive as possible to make them a reasonable alternative to Huggies juice bottles for reenactment mortar rounds. I also am taking safety and reliability into consideration so the rounds are strong and extremely lightweight. Each round only weighs approximately 6-7oz. I project that I can eventually get the price per round down to the $10 - $15 range (maybe cheaper) but it will take time and more investment to get there. For now, I can only produce a limited number of these and have to get more out of them.
Each round is designed around a 3/4" PVC pipe (PIPE NOT INCLUDED) which runs through the entire round up to just under the fuse. This pipe provides strength and also will eventually serve as a launch tube when coupled with a CO2 fired system I am developing. The idea will be basically to create a CO2 spigot type mortar that fits down inside the 8cm barrel. This should allow for clean, consistent, repeated firing without any burning powder. The system will take time to perfect and many changes will likely be made along the way but if I don't start selling rounds now I will not have the backing to get there.
There are many minor surface flaws on the prints which I am trying to eliminate, but at the same time, I am pushing the printers to the max to bring the costs down. This process will take time. These are still a serious upgrade from what most people use in the field. They would not look at all bad for display.
Time to print: ~ 12 hours
Weight: ~ 7oz.
Body: PLA
Fuse: TPU
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