• Lot of Pocket Calendar Books 1943-45 & Photo from Großdeutschland Soldier

  • $79.00 USD

  • Description

    Lot of original pocket calendar books ranging from 1943 to 1945. These are all from the same man, Werner Hahnfeld. His feldpost number was F.P.10746 which seems to belong to Großdeutschland. He did not write a huge amount in these, but its still neat that they cover 3 years of his life. All books are in fairly good condition with general wear. The 1943 calendar is missing the pencil holder in the back cover. He was in Paris in June 1943

    The photo and death notice were with the calendar books. I believe the photo is Werner and the death notice is from a fusilier of Großdeutschland who was killed on 30.11.1942 (perhaps a friend?). There is also a little prayer card. The death notice itself looks to have been cut from a newspaper.