Original German Collapsible Stretcher
$1,095.00 USD
This is frequently referred to as a fallschirmjager stretcher as is complete folds down and can fit in a drop canister. It is in good condition with good markings and waffen amts. Both sides of the steel frame are dated 39. The two cloth sides are technically mismatched and also not mismatched because they were made to be interchangeable. The cloth can also be easily removed from the frame so dirty ones can be changed out for cleaned ones. The wood handles are in very good condition and slide in and out freely. The blanket in the photo is not included with the stretcher but is for sale elsewhere on the site. It is to demonstrate how a folded blanket was used as a pillow. This "pillow" part of the cloth is only present on one half. It should also be on the other half but looks like it was cut away. It was done very carefully by whoever did it so it is hard to tell its missing. This is a really nice example.
Stretchers do not come up for sale often. Most of the stretchers that have been bought or sold in the last 10 years came from the same place; an abandoned, forgotten depot in an Eastern European former "Fortress" city. They really don't just turn up in a barn or attic every now and then like other equipment. They have also been sacrificed on a large scale in Eastern Europe to use the canvas to produce (at that time) more valuable mp40 and mp44 pouches to sell to collectors. Its a difficult piece of history to find.
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