
  • Last call for stateside inventory orders August 9 !!!

    We will be going back to Europe to buy inventory from August 20th. to October 1st.  We will stop accepting new orders and hide all of our US based inventory from August 9th to October 7th.  During our trip, check back with us frequently and keep up with us on facebook as we will be posting new items constantly as we find them.  If you buy from us while we are in Europe you will get a much better price than if we have to ship it all back here first.  If you buy multiple items, you will be able to save on shipping.  We plan on buying many bicycles and parts, Scho ka kola, and anything Wehrmacht we can find.  If you want us to look out for anything let us know (email us at so we can keep it in mind.  If we know someone wants an item it will be easier for us to decide to buy it amongst the rest of the great purchases available at the Flohmarkt.  Only so much will fit in the car so we have to be picky.

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