8cm GrW34 Mortar Bipod Carrying Pad
$590.00 USD
On hold!
Original 8cm GrW34 Mortar elevation knob of the bipod would rub the carrier, this is a common repair (probably post war).
The steel bars that hold the legs up off the pad are at a slight angle, it is mounted to a plywood board inside the carrier which must have broken over time. This shouldn't effect the use of the carrier significantly. One of the shoulder straps was damaged and repaired but it was repaired using the original straps so it blends in well, this could be a war time repair since original materials were used. The steel parts mounted directly to the carrier were over painted with a post war green. All of the buckles retain their original black. It still has the makers stamp on the shoulder strap but I can not make it out. It looks like it is dated 43. The canvas is faded and dirty but in decent condition overall.
These carriers received a lot of abuse and it is pretty amazing any still exist. This came from a small discovery of Eastern Block military storage. After the war, many countries in the east gathered up German equipment and stored it in case of another conflict. When the carriers from this small find are gone, there probably will not be anymore found. This is a good carrier, most of the ones discovered are so patched up with post war materials that they they could never be made right again.