• Reproduction German Helmet Drawstring "Fine Weave"

  • $4.50 USD

  • Description

    Reproduction German helmet drawstring. This a copy of the fine weave pattern of string that you find on some original helmets. To my knowledge, there is not a comprehensive study on string theory, but I do know there are at least 2 weaves and a large color variation. The fine weave string is, in my experience, less common, but I was able to find a good match for it, so here it is. The hunt continues for a good version of the standard big weave string.


    Originals varied in length by quite a lot, I made these ones in about the middle of that range at ~22 inches. Original fine weave string shown for comparison. The string is cotton and does take dye fairly well. If you wanted to dye it in coffee or tea to give it a little more of an aged color, you can do that, but these are sold clean and new. The string is a natural cotton color, not bleached white.

  • Reproduction WWII German Helmet Drawstring
  • Reproduction German Helmet Drawstring "Fine Weave"
  • Reproduction German Helmet Drawstring "Fine Weave"
  • Reproduction German Helmet Drawstring "Fine Weave"
  • Reproduction German Helmet Drawstring "Fine Weave"

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